NoVTY (8th-12th Grade) Fantasy Hockey Draft

We've done football and basketball, but this year, NoVTY (our 8th-12th grade youth group) is diving into fantasy hockey! Join us for a spirited draft and some tasty snacks from 3:00 to 5:00 at NVHC on Saturday, 10/1. Feel free to come even if you don't want to draft - peanut gallery / moral support […]

Minecraft Sukkot – for 3rd-12th graders

Back by popular demand is our Minecraft programming series, designed and run by teens like you! 3rd-12th graders are invited to join on Zoom from 3:30 to 4:45 on Saturday, […]

NoVTY Jr Jr (3rd-5th grade) Visits Cox Farms

NVHC's 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders are invited to celebrate fall at Cox Farms on Sunday, October 23rd! There's rides, animals, and tons and tons of apples! We will have a […]

Shabbat Yom Hodu Teen Hangout

On Friday, 11/18, we'll be celebrating Shabbat Yom Hodu with the KL community, and hopefully many of our teens will be there in their roles as KL madrichim. Whether or […]