How to Lead a Seder in a Time of War

Join Rabbi Holzman for this zoom-only conversation to help prepare for leading a Passover Seder.  This ritual is Judaism’s way to explore the meaning of the Exodus story, to meditate […]

Let’s Talk About Israel Again

Our first Let’s Talk About Israel event was so engaging and meaningful that participants wanted more… so we are doing it again! Come join us a second time, or for the […]

Let’s Talk About Jewry – Two Histories: America & Israel

Tuesday, May 21, 6:30pm, In Person & On Zoom It’s a trying time for Jewish Americans watching events unfold in Israel. Israeli Jews have different perspectives than American Jews…why is that? Watch this video to learn more and come join us on May 21 & June 20 at 6:30pm to unpack this together. This will be part one of […]

Shavuot Celebration of Learning with Yizkor

Join us for a celebration of Torah, learning, and of course, cheesecake! Our schedule for the evening is: 6:00pm - Bagel & lox dinner ($10 per person) 6:30pm - Shavuot service with Torah reading and Yizkor 8:00pm - Cheesecake oneg 8:30pm - Teaching and study After our Shavuot service, we will move to the multi-purpose […]