How to Lead a Seder in a Time of War

Join Rabbi Holzman for this zoom-only conversation to help prepare for leading a Passover Seder.  This ritual is Judaism’s way to explore the meaning of the Exodus story, to meditate […]

Let’s Talk About Israel Again

Our first Let’s Talk About Israel event was so engaging and meaningful that participants wanted more… so we are doing it again! Come join us a second time, or for the […]

Let’s Talk About Jewry – Two Histories: America & Israel

Tuesday, May 21, 6:30pm, In Person & On Zoom It’s a trying time for Jewish Americans watching events unfold in Israel. Israeli Jews have different perspectives than American Jews…why is that? Watch this video […]

Shavuot Celebration of Learning with Yizkor

Join us for a celebration of Torah, learning, and of course, cheesecake! Our schedule for the evening is: 6:00pm - Bagel & lox dinner ($10 per person) 6:30pm - Shavuot service with Torah reading and Yizkor 8:00pm - Cheesecake oneg 8:30pm - Teaching and study After our Shavuot service, we will move to the multi-purpose […]