Omer Trek: Turning Pain into Music: Israel Since October 7th

The 49 day period from Passover to Shavuot is called the Omer and it is a special time when the Jewish people prepare for receiving the Torah at Sinai. Join us for some or all of our 7-week trek through Torah! Click here to learn more and click here to register. June 6, 6:30-8:00pm, in […]

Let’s Talk About Palestine – Two Histories: Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism

Let's Talk About Palestine - Two Histories: Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism Part II of our Video Discussion Series - No Prior Homework Required Thursday, June 20, 6:30pm, On Zoom ONLY Please join us for this Zoom-only conversation about Haviv Rettig Gur’s lectures at Shalem College. We discussed the first video, about the differences between American vs. […]

Let’s Talk About (Being A Jew In) America

With the continuing conflict in Palestine and Israel, we are seeing antisemitism, conflict, and heated rhetoric grow in the United States. Institutions and jurisdictions have responded with a wide range […]

Shabbat Sustenance: For the Body, Soul, and Mind

Cantor Caro, fresh from her 10-day trip to Israel, will share a report and reaction to her experiences. She will share first-hand information about what's going on in Israel, how people are feeling in the country, and some of the many stories that were shared with her throughout the journey. She'll also share pictures and […]