On Saturday, April 5, at 5:30pm, the Silver Line Dinner Theater presents “World Premier” of the next installment of life with the Shulmans. This time, our play, “DOWNSIZING”, deals with the next step in their lives, as the Shulmans decide what to do; stay in their beloved home or move to smaller quarters. In addition to the play, we will be serving a delicious dinner including hors d’oeuvres, chicken marsala, fettuccine, spring vegetable medley, salad, rolls, dessert, wine, coffee, and tea.
EVERYONE is invited to attend! The cost of this exciting evening is $50 per person. We must receive your reservation by 6:00pm on Tuesday, April 1. Please contact Joe Miller, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information, if you need a vegetarian meal.
Contact Marsha, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information or Laura, ShowClick Here to View Contact Information with any questions. If you pay by check, please email Laura or Marsha and let them know.
Click here to register.