Shabbat Sustenance: For the Body, Soul, and Mind
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
Intermediate Modern Hebrew Textbook: Hebrew – A Language Course, Level 1-2 Mondays, 12 weeks beginning October 9, 7-8pm $136/members, $160/non-members Prerequisites: Beginning Hebrew 1 or equivalent. Knowledge of the Aleph-Bet […]
Democracy, Israel, and Zionism Taught by: Rabbi Holzman Tuesdays, October 24, November 28, December 19, January 9, March 19, April 16 6:30-8:00pm, in person, online by request Zionism is the idea that Jews must have a state in our ancestral homeland. That simple statement has been controversial since its inception. For many of us, liberal […]
Advanced Modern Hebrew Textbook: Brandeis Modern Hebrew Wednesdays, 12 weeks beginning October 18, 6-7pm $136/members, $160/non-members Prerequisites: Intermediate Hebrew II, Prayer Hebrew II, or equivalent. Comfort with reading Hebrew fluently and intermediate knowledge of Hebrew grammar. In this course you will continue to expand your vocabulary, advanced grammar, adjectives, and verb tenses. The textbook reflects […]
December 20, 2023, at 7:30 PM On Zoom Michael Beckley is Associate Professor of Political Science at Tufts University, Director of the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Asia Program, and Senior […]