NoVA Chaiways – Normal Aging vs. Dementia? What You Need to Know about Memory Loss

Normal Aging vs. Dementia? What You Need to Know about Memory Loss Sponsored by NVHC Cares and our NOVA ChaiWays team, this session will address how we engage with family members and loved ones with Alzheimer's, with strategies to provide support for caregivers and resources for interaction at different stages. The presenter will be Lindsey […]

NoVTY Jr Recess!

Join us on Saturday 5/15 for NoVTY Jr Recess! This will be an awesome chance to enjoy all of your favorite schoolyard activities, from sidewalk chalk and hula hoops to four-square and relay races! We are so excited to welcome our 6th and 7th graders for this fun time safely together in the NVHC parking […]


More details are forthcoming! In-Person Erev Shavuot Experience, 6:00pm Yizkor (Online), 8:30pm Shavuot Study Until Midnight, 9:30pm