Great Texts of America Shabbat Sustenance

One of the cornerstones of our Rebuilding Democracy Project, Great Texts of America gives us the opportunity to study the foundational texts of our country using the same skills and devices we use to study Torah. The text changes from month to month, but the conversation is always lively and bagels are provided. Click here […]

Forest Edge Food Pack

Help feed hungry kids! Join us once a month to pack weekend food bags for kids at Forest Edge Elementary school who are on free and reduced lunch. Learn more about this awesome program here.

Speaker Series: Jeffrey Bennett

The Distinguished Speaker Series Presents... Jeffrey Bennett "Global Warming - Science and Politics" November 13, 2019, 8:00 pm Astrophysicist and educator, Jeffrey Bennett, a winner of the American Institute of Physics Science Communication Award, is the author of bestselling college textbooks in astronomy, astrobiology, mathematics, and statistics. Formerly a Visiting Senior Scientist at NASA Headquarters, […]


Doing Mitzvot: Claiming and Reclaiming Jewish Rituals and Behaviors Online

Thursdays, November 14, January 23, April 2, and April 30 12:00 pm In person, at NVHC (this class was previously advertised as an online course, but it will instead be an in-person class) Together, we will explore Jewish rituals, the tools for making meaning in our lives. We will consider how rituals and mitzvot help […]