
Tamid (8th-12th Grade)

Tamid is our religious school/youth group program for students in 8th-12th grade. Click here to learn more!


History of Zionism

Taught by Rabbi Michael Holzman Tuesdays, November 12, December 3, January 7, February 4, March 4, April 8, May 6 7:00-8:30pm, in person and on Zoom The idea of Jewish autonomy and self-determination in the land of Israel pervades structures Jewish thought for most of our history as a people.  In the modern era this […]


Introduction to Judaism

Introduction to Judaism is a class for anyone interested in learning more about Judaism – interfaith couples, those raising Jewish children, spiritual seekers, individuals considering conversion, and Jews who want […]


Introduction to Reform Responsa

Taught by Rabbi Barrett Thursdays, November 17, December 19, January 9, February 6, and March 6 7:00-8:15pm, in person and on Zoom Responsa is a genre of Jewish literature focused […]