
Silver Line Kugel Cafe

The Silver Line, NVHC's 55+ group (no one is asking) hosts a monthly Shabbat dinner we like to call Kugel Cafe. We meet at 5:30pm to schmooze and enjoy a […]


Erev Shabbat Service

Join us every Friday at 7:00pm to welcome Shabbat! Our Shabbat services are joyous, musical, spiritual, and welcoming. And make sure you stick around afterwards for oneg Shabbat. All services are in person and streamed on YouTube.


Jewish Historians, History, and Historiography

Jewish Historians, History, and Historiography Andrew Stein October 8, 15, 22, November 5, 12 December 3, 10, January 7, 14, 21, February 4, 11, March 3, 10, 17, 24 9:30-10:45, on Zoom This course will take a broad view of Jewish history, how it was envisioned over the centuries, and how over about the last […]


Kehillat Limmud (Religious School)

Kehillat Limmud is NVHC’s religious school program for Pre-K-7th grade students, which also encompasses Punims, our program for children ages 0-3. Click here for more information on Punims (ages 0-3). Click here for more information on Kehillat Limmud (grades Pre-K-7). Click here for more information on Tamid (grades 8-12). Please note that Punims (ages 0-4) and Bonim (Pre-K […]