Erev Shabbat Service – The Pulpit and the Pew, with Kol Shirah
Join us to welcome in Shabbat with our adult volunteer choir, Kol Shirah! This Shabbat is also our second Pulpit and the Pew, an experiment that encourages a multi-directional relationship between the sermon from the pulpit and the congregants hearing the sermon. During this service, our clergy will address climate change, and then after the oneg, congregants are […]
We Were Strangers in the Land of Egypt: How We Face Immigration
As Jews, we are no strangers to the concept of immigration. Our families were all immigrants from somewhere, facing difficult choices along the way. In today’s world, we are hearing about various issues surrounding immigration on a daily basis. Join us on a year-long series to explore a 360° view of immigration, helping us to […]
Meal for Embry Rucker Shelter
The SAC will be preparing and serving dinner to the 100 residents of Cornerstones Embry Rucker Shelter. Contact the Social Action Chair for more information or if you would like to help.