Shabbat Sustenance: For the Body, Soul, and Mind
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
Our next Middlescence event will be November 3 at 1:00pm at Bear Chase Brewery. Join us for an afternoon of good drink and even better conversation! The cost will be approximately $12/person depending on how many people come. We are reserving a space that is $250 for 3 hours and we will split the cost […]
Taught by: Neta Litvin Textbook: Hebrew Alfon Primer Mondays, 12 weeks beginning October 28, 7:00-8:00pm Online only $136/members, $160/non-members You’re about to start learning Hebrew and immersing yourself in this […]
Short Story Discussion Group First Monday of each month 7:30-8:30pm, on Zoom Join us for a fourth year of monthly lay-led discussions of Jewish short stories. Four NVHC members have […]
Taught by: Neta Litvin Textbook: Hebrew - A Language Course, Level 2 Tuesdays, 12 weeks beginning October 29, 6:30-7:30pm Online only $136/members, $160/non-members Prerequisites: Beginning Hebrew 1 or equivalent. Knowledge […]