NoVTY (8th-12th Grade) Fantasy Hockey Draft

We've done football and basketball, but this year, NoVTY (our 8th-12th grade youth group) is diving into fantasy hockey! Join us for a spirited draft and some tasty snacks from […]

Kehillat Limmud (Religious School)

Kehillat Limmud is NVHC’s religious school program for Pre-K-7th grade students, which also encompasses Punims, our program for children ages 0-3. Click here for more information on Punims (ages 0-3). Click here for more information on Kehillat Limmud (grades Pre-K-7). Click here for more information on Tamid (grades 8-12). Please note that Punims (ages 0-4) […]

Kol Nidre

Please register though our High Holy Day Info page. High Holy Days - NVHC (