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Shabbat Sustenance: For the Body, Soul, and Mind
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
Brotherhood Meeting
An open meeting for current and future members of NVHC's Brotherhood! Whether your interested in planning events, helping us support the NVHC community, or just curious about Brotherhood, this meeting […]
Eco-Judaism: Ancient Teachings for a Sustainable Future
Taught by Rabbi Barrett Wednesdays, January 29, March 5, March 19, April 16 7:00-8:15pm, in person and on Zoom In the early chapters of the Torah, we learn that humans […]
Judaism Is About Love
Taught Rabbi Holzman Thursdays, February 6, 20; March 6, 20, 27; April 17; May 1, 22; June 5 12:00-1:00pm, in person and on Zoom This lunch ‘n learn is named […]