Shabbat Sustenance: For the Body, Soul, and Mind
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
Tamid is our religious school program for students in grades 8-12! Click here to learn more. Tamid takes place on Tuesday nights from 6:15-8:00 pm. There is an optional dinner each week […]
Foundations for a Thoughtful Judaism: Peoplehood Taught by: Rabbi Holzman Tuesdays, October 3, November 7, December 12, January 2, March 5, April 2 CONTINUING: October 22, November 19, December 17 6:30-8:00pm, on Zoom The Shalom Hartman Institute of North America has prepared a superb curriculum of texts exploring the varied elements of a complex idea: […]
Advanced Modern Hebrew Textbook: Brandeis Modern Hebrew Wednesdays, 12 weeks beginning October 18, 6-7pm $136/members, $160/non-members Prerequisites: Intermediate Hebrew II, Prayer Hebrew II, or equivalent. Comfort with reading Hebrew fluently and intermediate knowledge of Hebrew grammar. In this course you will continue to expand your vocabulary, advanced grammar, adjectives, and verb tenses. The textbook reflects […]
Beginning Modern Hebrew Textbook: Hebrew Alfon Primer Wednesdays, 12 weeks beginning October 11, 7:30-8:30pm $136/members, $160/non-members You’re about to start learning Hebrew and immersing yourself in this unique language and […]