
Intermediate Modern Hebrew

with Yehudit Gerrig Wednesdays, 12 weeks through March 17 7:30-8:30pm $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: Beginning Hebrew II or equivalent. Basic modern Hebrew reading and decoding skills. Registration is required. Minimum 5 students. Click here to register. In this class, we will continue to build upon previous courses, increasing our modern Hebrew vocabulary […]


Advanced Biblical Hebrew

with Elizabeth Lacher Thursdays, beginning October 15 for 12 weeks 7:00-8:00pm $145 for members, $195 for non-members Registration is required. Minimum 3 students. Click here to register. Prerequisites: Biblical Hebrew 3 or equivalent. Learn to translate Torah from Hebrew. Students should have advanced knowledge of Biblical Hebrew vocabulary and grammar. Text: The First Hebrew Primer. 

Erev Shabbat Service – The Pulpit and the Pew

Join us every Friday to celebrate Shabbat - to sit back, take a breath, and truly pause to enjoy the peace that is this weekly gift. Our service this Friday […]