
New Torah Translation Pilot Program

Be part of Jewish history with this once-in-a-generation opportunity! The Central Conference of American Rabbis is working on a new translation and commentary of the Torah and NVHC is part […]


Advanced Modern Hebrew

Advanced Modern Hebrew Textbook: Brandeis Modern Hebrew Wednesdays, 12 weeks beginning October 18, 6-7pm $136/members, $160/non-members Prerequisites: Intermediate Hebrew II, Prayer Hebrew II, or equivalent. Comfort with reading Hebrew fluently […]


Beginning Modern Hebrew

Beginning Modern Hebrew Textbook: Hebrew Alfon Primer Wednesdays, 12 weeks beginning October 11, 7:30-8:30pm $136/members, $160/non-members You’re about to start learning Hebrew and immersing yourself in this unique language and […]


Jewish Prayer: Shabbat Liturgy

Clergy Class: Jewish Prayer: Shabbat Liturgy Taught by: Rabbi Holzman, Cantor Caro, and Rabbi Barrett Fridays, November 3, December 8, January 5, February 2, March 1, April 5 6:30-6:50pm, in person only Prayer has sustained the Jewish People since its earliest days. It is in our DNA as Jews to connect to each other, the […]