Rosh Hashanah Morning Service
Please register though our High Holy Day Info page. High Holy Days - NVHC (
Please register though our High Holy Day Info page. High Holy Days - NVHC (
Please register though our High Holy Day Info page. High Holy Days - NVHC (
Please register though our High Holy Day Info page. High Holy Days - NVHC (
This program will be approximately an 18-month journey. The first component, which takes place on select Wednesday evenings throughout the 18 months, consists of a course led by one of […]
We've done football and basketball, but this year, NoVTY (our 8th-12th grade youth group) is diving into fantasy hockey! Join us for a spirited draft and some tasty snacks from 3:00 to 5:00 at NVHC on Saturday, 10/1. Feel free to come even if you don't want to draft - peanut gallery / moral support […]