Kol Shirah (Adult Choir) Rehearsal

Kol Shirah is our adult choir. They help lead services during High Holy Days, Shabbat, and at other congregational events! Click here to learn more.

Erev Shabbat Service

Join us every Friday at 7:00pm to welcome Shabbat! Our Shabbat services are joyous, musical, spiritual, and welcoming. And make sure you stick around afterwards for oneg Shabbat (“joy of Shabbat”) for […]


Dinner – 6:00pm, Service – 7:00pm S’lichot, meaning “forgiveness,” is the first service of the High Holy Day season. Typically observed the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah, it marks the […]

Kehillat Limmud (Religious School)

Kehillat Limmud (Community of Learners) is our religious school program for children ages 0-7th grade. Click here to learn more!