Clergy Class: Jewish Prayer: Shabbat Liturgy
Taught by: Rabbi Holzman, Cantor Caro, and Rabbi Barrett
Fridays, November 3, December 8, January 5, February 2, March 1, April 5
6:30-6:50pm, in person only
Prayer has sustained the Jewish People since its earliest days. It is in our DNA as Jews
to connect to each other, the sacred, and the world through worship services. Our liturgy
has nourished souls, comforted the lonely, and helped people become God’s people.
This class is open to anyone who is seeking to connect more deeply to prayer and
anyone who wants to wrestle with the meaning of prayer.
This class is team-taught by our clergy and will gather before Shabbat services on a
monthly basis to do a deep dive into a prayer or section of our liturgy.
Registration is required – click here to register!