Great Texts of America Shabbat Sustenance

One of the cornerstones of our Rebuilding Democracy Project, Great Texts of America gives us the opportunity to study the foundational texts of our country using the same skills and devices we use to study Torah. The text changes from month to month, but the conversation is always lively and bagels are provided. Click here […]

Sha-Pot Luck Shabbat

Good Friends, Good Food, Good Fun Join together with us as one community to celebrate Shabbat on Friday, January 24 at 6:30 pm at NVHC. No Jewish ritual better captures […]

Torah Reading Shabbat Sustenance

We will begin our Shabbat morning experience with sustenance for the body – bagels and shmear, coffee and tea.  From there, we will enter into soul-filled sustenance, that may vary […]