Shabbat Sustenance: For the Body, Soul, and Mind
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
On the evening of Friday May 9, the entire congregation is invited to welcome Shabbat and celebrate in fellow members' homes. There will be no Erev Shabbat service at NVHC […]
Join us in person for a Shabbat morning full of soul-filled sustenance - bagels and coffee for the body, Torah study for the soul, and conversation for the mind!
Join us every Friday at 7:00pm to welcome Shabbat! Our Shabbat services are joyous, musical, spiritual, and welcoming. And make sure you stick around afterwards for oneg Shabbat. All services […]