
Erev Shabbat Service

Join us every Friday at 7:00pm to welcome Shabbat! Our Shabbat services are joyous, musical, spiritual, and welcoming. And make sure you stick around afterwards for oneg Shabbat. All services […]

Shabbat Sustenance: Great Texts of Israel

Join Rabbi Holzman this Shabbat morning as we use the same methods we use for Great Texts of America to study the Israeli Defense Force Code of Ethics.


Erev Shabbat Service

Join us every Friday at 7:00pm to welcome Shabbat! Our Shabbat services are joyous, musical, spiritual, and welcoming. And make sure you stick around afterwards for oneg Shabbat. All services […]


Join us for the inaugural meeting of Keshet at NVHC! Keshet is the Hebrew word for rainbow, and we use it to express support for all members of the congregation, regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation. At our inaugural meeting, we hope to start the conversation about gay, lesbian, transgender, and otherwise Queer voices […]