Erev Shabbat Service

Join us every Friday at 7:00pm to welcome Shabbat! Our Shabbat services are joyous, musical, spiritual, and welcoming. And make sure you stick around afterwards for oneg Shabbat (“joy of Shabbat”) for sweet treats and great conversations! All services are in person and streamed on YouTube.

Erev Shabbat Juneteenth Weekend

Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, NVHC has observed Juneteenth with a night of learning, introspection, and commitment to action. As Juneteenth is America’s day commemorating the anniversary of the moment on June 19, 1865 when the last enslaved Americans learned of their Emancipation, it is our time to examine deeply the ways racism […]

Erev Shabbat Service with Rabbi Tamir Nir

We are thrilled to welcome Rabbi Tamir Nir back to NVHC! Rabbi Tamir Nir is the spiritual leader of Ahavat B'kerem, a Reform congregation in Jerusalem, and a long-time friend […]