Sha-Pot Luck Shabbat

Good Friends, Good Food, Good Fun Join together with us as one community to celebrate Shabbat on Friday, January 24 at 6:30 pm at NVHC. No Jewish ritual better captures the essence of Jewish life, brings people together to build community, deepens conversation and adds joy to life. Together we will enjoy a potluck dinner, […]

Torah Reading Shabbat Sustenance

We will begin our Shabbat morning experience with sustenance for the body – bagels and shmear, coffee and tea.  From there, we will enter into soul-filled sustenance, that may vary some from week to week, including mindful experiences of prayer, music, meditation or yoga. The remainder of our time together with be sustenance for the […]

Shabbaton – “Na’aseh V’nishma”

Join us for our annual Shabbaton – February 8, 2020 from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 pm. A Day of Shabbat prayer, learning, and community (and challah!) that we are calling this year: ‘Na’aseh V’nishma’ – ‘We will do, and we will listen’ (Book of Exodus). Please register – cost is $18 per person, which includes lunch and snacks. We will celebrate […]
