Pita Making with Cantor Caro to Celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut

Learn to bake your own Pita and celebrate Yom Ha’atzma-ut (Israel’s Independence Day) with great taste! What better way to celebrate Israel’s Independence Day than with your own fresh-baked pita! And pita is only best with something to dip it in, so join Cantor Caro for an online, hands-on baking experience in your own kitchen. We […]

Beginning Hebrew II

with Yehudit Shem-Tov Wednesdays, 12 weeks, April 21-July 7 5:30-6:30 pm $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: Knowledge of Hebrew letters and basic vocabulary. Registration is required. Minimum 5 students. Click here to register. In this class, we will continue to build upon Aleph Isn’t Tough, increasing our biblical Hebrew vocabulary and grammar. Students […]

Intermediate Hebrew

with Yehudit Shem-Tov Wednesdays, 12 weeks, April 21-July 7 6:30-7:30 pm $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: Beginning Hebrew II or equivalent. Knowledge of the Aleph Bet and beginning […]

Intermediate Hebrew II

with Yehudit Shem-Tov Wednesdays, 12 weeks, April 21-July 7 7:30-8:30pm $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members Prerequisites: Beginner-Intermediate Hebrew or equivalent. Proficient with Hebrew vocabulary and basic grammar skills. Registration […]

Advanced Hebrew

with Yehudit Shem-Tov Thursdays, 12 weeks, April 22-July 8 6:30-7:30pm (please note that on 5/20 and 5/27, this class will take place at 6:00pm) $132 for members, $184.80 for non-members […]