
B’nai Mitzvah Parents Class

ON ZOOM This class, taught by Judy Naiman, is for parents of students who are becoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah in the near future. It is designed to help you […]


Jewish Ethics with Rabbi Holzman

ON ZOOM Tuesdays, 10/19, 11/30, 12/14, 1/18, 2/10, 4/19, 5/10,  6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. *Please note the class on 12/14 will begin at 7:00pm. Last year, we studied Volume […]


The Jewish Calendar as a Tool for Spiritual Growth with Adam Cohn

ON ZOOM Thursdays, 10/28, 11/18, 12/23, 1/27, 2/24 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. But before he created the Heavens and the Earth, He created the beginning. Time was the first and most important creation. It is the foundation for everything that has happened since. This […]