
The Talmud of Parenting with Rabbi Holzman

ON ZOOM Wednesdays, 11/10, 12/8, 1/5, 2/2, 4/6 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. via Zoom One of the most fascinating sections of Talmud is the in depth discussion about the 5th commandment: “Honor Thy Father and Mother.” In this passage our tradition explores the obligations between children and parents (and grandparents). It is also a […]


Intermediate & Advanced Hebrew – Prayer & Biblical

Sundays, 7-8pm12 weeks, beginning February 27ON ZOOM ONLY $132 – members, $185 – non-members Textbook: Aleph Isn’t Enough Registration is required. Click here to register! Prerequisites: Beginning Hebrew II or equivalent. Knowledge of […]


Beginning Hebrew – Modern

Mondays, 6-7pm12 weeks, beginning February 28 ON ZOOM ONLY $132 – members, $185 – non-members Textbook: Aleph Isn’t Tough Registration is required. Click here to register! You’re about to start learning Hebrew and […]