Tzofim Dinner

A special dinner for students enrolled in Tzofim! Tzofim is our 1st and 2nd grade unit. This dinner is a chance for families to get to know each other and celebrate Shabbat together.

Chalutzim Dinner

A special dinner for students enrolled in Chalutzim! Chalutzim is our 6th & 7th grade unit. This dinner is a chance for families to get to know each other and […]

Kehillat Limmud Purim Carnival

Join us for a morning of games, prizes, and fun! Our Purim carnival is open to all Kehillat Limmud students ages 0-12. We’ll have games for bigger kids in the […]

Artist-in-Residence: Rabbi Noam Katz

Friday April 22nd, 7:oopm - Erev Shabbat Service (In person & on Zoom) Saturday April 23rd, 9:30am - Shabbat Sustenance "Song & Text Study: Hope, Healing and Perseverance" (In person) […]


Kehillat Limmud (Religious School)

Kehillat Limmud is NVHC’s religious school program for Pre-K-7th grade students, which also encompasses Punims, our program for children ages 0-3. Click here for more information on Punims (ages 0-3). […]