American Judaism, Spirituality and Democracy

Tuesdays, November 8*, 29, December 13, January 17*, 31, February 28, March 7, 28, April 18, 30*, 6:30-8:00pm

On Zoom, except classes with a * which indicates in person

A huge majority of Americans are concerned about the future of our democracy, and at NVHC, we have discovered through the Rebuilding Democracy Project (RDP) that spirituality and religious ideas can restore hope, build resilience, and transform the way we approach deliberation and politics. These ten sessions will explore the principles of spirituality that undergird norms of healthy citizenship and how religious behavior transforms those rituals into practice. (Note: in the near future, NVHC may undertake an expansion of the RDP to neighboring houses of worship; this course will prepare laypeople to mentor peers in this work).

Register at the link below

Lifelong Learning Registration 5783 – Form – Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation (