Tuesday’s March 28 & April 11, 18, 11:00am
The State of Israel has marked a day for remembering the Holocaust since the early days of the Jewish state. In 1951, the Knesset officially instituted one day (27th of Nissan) that would serve as the date for mourning the victims of the Shoah. Join Rabbi Barrett and Cantor Caro to explore the Holocaust through its memorialization. We will spend two sessions understanding how people have marked this day through created rituals. We will look at rituals both religious and secular and reflect on how they help us understand the past. In the second session, we will explore some of the musical activities that took place during the Shoah, and the ways that Jews have collectively remembered the Shoah through music.
Lifelong Learning Registration 5783 – Form – Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation (shulcloud.com)