**While NVHC’s building is closed, this hangout will take place online. Please see your daily email or email info@nvhcreston.org for more information.**
Beginning in September, we invite all of our punims (ages 0 to 5) and their caretaker(s) to join us on select Sundays for a little recreation, light nosh, some music, and a lot of “get to know you” time! Led by Michelle Allo, the group meets in the Adult Lounge from 9:45 am-11:15 am on scheduled Sundays:
Punims is $200 for the entire year per child. There is no charge for siblings under 1 year old. You don’t have to be a member of NVHC to attend. Click here to register.
Questions? Contact Rabbi Jessica Wainer at rabbiwainer@nvhcreston.org.